Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gaddafi was a young charismatic leader who was about to unite the Arab community, and Israel would make sure Reagan stopped him.
A Hollywood Puppet Guided By Zionists
He had to be convinced to wipe out Gaddafi

A Young Shimon Peres (nee Shem Penski) Was A Haganah Terrorist
A Master Con Man out to stop Gaddafi

To Understand 2006 You Need A Look At The Past
In the early eighties Gaddafi was young, handsome and charismatic, and a growing powerhouse. He would unite the Arabs, and his plan was to use the power of oil money. Israel wasn't about to just stand by.

In 1984 they laid out a plan to destroy Gaddafi, it started with a Trojan horse scheme of planting a transmitter in Tripoli, broadcasting a coming attack on an American installation, and then bombing a restaurant full of US Servicemen. Next was Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie.

In 2005 we have Hariri's assassination, and 2006 we get Germayl's killing.
The 1986 LaBelle Disco
Israel planted a mossad team in Tripoli and they broadcasted to German operatives a plan about a coming attack. Peres government relayed it to the CIA, who then monitored the transmissions.

A bomb placed under a table exploded at the club, killing a woman and two U.S. servicemen and injuring 230 people, including more than 50 American servicemen. Most were maimed for life.

Reagan Bombs Libya

Reagan believes Peres, who suspects Libya was behind the LaBelle bombing, and retaliates killing Gaddafi's family.
In 1988 Israel Sabotages Pan AM 103

The Mossad takes out an airliner over Lockerbie, and blames Libya.
The LaBelle Investigator

Detlev Mehlis, the German who lead the 1986 "La Belle" discotheque bombing investigation was in constant contact with the Mossad. He pointed the case at Libya, Reagan became more entrenched and Israel was ecstatic.

Lebanon's PM Is Assassinated In 2005

Rafik Hairiri was a charismatic billionaire politician who was uniting the Arab states, and friends with numerous European heads of state.

Oddly Hariri, Anna Lindh of Sweden, Jorgen Moellemann of Germany met the same fate of 'Death by the invisible hand', as the Mossad is often referred to.

The UN Appoints Mehlis As Head Investigator

Mehlis immediately turns to Israel for assistance. Mr. Mehlis had created 'a good working relationship with Israel and Jordan,' not, however, with Syria
Christian Phalange Leader Assassinated

Pierre Gemayel was trying to unite Lebanon after the 2006 Israeli assault, but Israel wants a civil war. Suddenly Gemayel had an untimely death, and Mehlis, acting as advisor, points the finger at Syria.

Jürgen Cain Külbel

A German investigator and author has written a book which doubt the official "Syria did it" nonsense, and instead points to Israel.
Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn a noted speaker, and author, also questions who was behind the Hairiri assassination. He seems to be building a network with associates like Eric Huffschmidt, and Daryl Smith, who have huge audiences.

Sort Of An Interesting Time

At the apex of the Zionist's 3,000 year master plan of world domination along comes the internet, and it's ability to reach millions . On top of that you have a growing number of writers developing associations with various researchers, and these people are picking up readers.

A gunsmith in Wagga Wagga, Australia, connects with a nurse at Port Arthur, and all of a sudden what was the story of a lone nut massacring 35 tourists, turns out to be an international plot. Now, the Columbine, Dunblane, Port Arthur, have a common thread, gun control.

The end result is anyone with a computer is saying 9/11 was a hoax, and we are dying in Iraq for Israel. With the net you can expose their dirty schemes daily. The fraud of electronic voting being control by second generation Ukrainian Zionists, to Pelosi's real ancestry, is now common knowledge.

Israel's real show is Iran, and total control of the Mideast's oil, and God knows what these monsters will pull, but because of the internet at least people are aware.




"Judicial-Inc's style was more like a tabloid for truthers, but it was very entertaining as well as educational, if not always 100% accurate. I think that the site had the potential to reach a lot more people with its easy to read format, and I also think that's what made them a target for censorship."



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