Thursday, September 10, 2009
American Neocons and Israeli Intelligence were behind the 9-11 attacks in my opinion. Everything I have read points to Israeli intelligence infiltration into all parts of American government. From the State Department, the IRS, to the FBI and CIA, to our most sensitive Nuclear Research Facilities and all branches of our storied military.
Call me a conspiracy nut and write me off if you want. But today, I am giving you a warning that Israel wants to attack Iran and in all probability will use nuclear weapons that they claim they don't have. When Israel attacks Iran, the US military will be required to intervene in order to back our "so called" ally.
VP Cheyney, pushed for attacking Iran - he admitted this on FOX news Sunday recently.
The Israeli's have not stopped building Jewish settlements on Palestinian land as they promised. The religious zealots who support the Jewish state will do whatever it takes to ensure Isael's "right to exist" and this includes, murder, terrorism, theft, and usurpation of foreign governments and corporations if doing so furthers the interests of the Jewish state.
Since there are many rich and powerful Jews in the United States and Europe as well as elsewhere around the world, extreme pressure is put on the US Government to comply with the many needs of the Jewish state. Any US politician who does not support Israel can expect a well financed campaign to ensure their defeat in the next election cycle.
Israeli Military "Operation Castlead" also known as the "Gaza War" showed the level of barbarity the Israeli military is willing to sink to. "Military Rabbis", gave their blessings to Israeli Defense Forces to act according to biblical passages quoted by the Rabbis.
Israeli soldiers killed Palestinian children with abandon and then took the freshly killed bodies so the organs could be harvested!
The Israeli Air Force flew over 2,000 sorties and killed indiscriminately. This war showed the Israeli's for what they are - barbaric killers of an undefended civilian population.
The Israeli military and their weapons of war was bought and paid for by US taxpayers.
If Israel had a hand in 9/11, it must be exposed and those responsible must be brought to justice. The Right Wing Noise Machine went into overdrive after 9/11. We were lied into war with Iraq by the Bush administration and our government militarized. The Right wing Republicans however, found themselves incapable of governing and using the call to "Make the Bush tax cuts-PERMANENT!", embarked on creating unfunded wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Created a giant bureaucracy the "Department of Homeland Security", Handed out not one but TWO tax "rebate" checks all while destroying the US economy by criminally letting giant banking concerns and government agencies run with little oversight and regulation all while amassing huge deficits and plunging America into record debt of biblical proportions. These Right Wing Republicans and their defense contractor buddies, looted the treasury and left the country bankrupt, the economy in ruins.
We will rest well knowing, that , only time and conscientious effort will extricate ourselves into what I consider one of the worst times in American history. The bastards who had their hands in this must be exposed and dealt with. Doing so will require courage, fortitude and perseverance. Let us not let this happen again!