Thursday, August 13, 2009
Obamacare has the big money interests spending, well, BIG MONEY to ensure Obamacare is a flop. Scarey witch Sarah Palin is convinced death tribunals will decide if Granny Grunt gets the care that will let her live for another 5 years even though she's a vegetable. Also, the right to lifers are convinced Obama care will be paying for abortions. You know it is ironic that these same right to lifers refuse to have sex education taught to young people in school because it is immoral. What is more immoral abortion or sex education?
The town hall meeting Congress critters are holding have brought out the ignorant, human animal. The dumbshits who are all emotion and full of hearsay knowledge that they get from the likes of Sean Hannity or their Baptist preacher. These stupid morons will call you names, punch you in the head if you don't agree with them. What is lacking though is leadership to counteract these vile scum who call themselves Americans. Where were the protests when Bush lied his way into war with Iraq or when the Congress passed the Patriot Act at 4am without even reading it. The Patriot Act was prewritten, ready to be presented after the false flag attack of 9/11 and Congress went along with it all the way.